Search for tag: "climate"

Ammonia emission from Swiss Agriculture and its fate.

This is the fourteenth episode of the ReCLEAN seminar series, the speakers are Dr. Christof Ammann from the Swiss Federal Research Institute Agroscope, and Dr. Alex Valach, from the Bern University…

From  Marc Luna 0 likes 8 plays 0  

What is CHOPIN? - Act 2 - Metamorphosis, floating particles to clouds

What is CHOPIN? is a multi-part documentary about the the 2024-2025 CleanCloud CHOPIN (Cleancloud Helmos OrograPhic sIte experimeNt) campaign at Mt.Helmos, Greece: where mythology, aerosols, clouds…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 113 plays 0  

ECO NEWS BY ΔΕΗ | Exclusive: The pioneering experiment at Mt.Helmos (17/12/2024)

SKAI TV, and its show "ECO NEWS by DEH" featured the 2024-2025 CleanCloud CHOPIN (Cleancloud Helmos OrograPhic sIte experimeNt) campaign at Mt.Helmos, Greece: where mythology, aerosols,…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 5 plays 0  

2024: a musical diary of LAPI

A musical slideshow with the highlights of all the activities, trips and cool things the Laboratory of Atmospheric Processes and their Impacts (LAPI at EPFL and FORTH) did as a group throughout 2024.…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 134 plays 0  

What is CHOPIN? - Act 1 - Inspiration & Launch

What is CHOPIN? is a multi-part documentary about the the 2024-2025 CleanCloud CHOPIN (Cleancloud Helmos OrograPhic sIte experimeNt) campaign at Mt.Helmos, Greece: where mythology, aerosols, clouds…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 63 plays 0  

Atmospheric acidity, reactive nitrogen, dry deposition regimes and their link to plant growth: a case study for an agricultural and forested site in Switzerland.

This is the thirteenth episode of the ReCLEAN seminar series, the speakers are Dr. Jun Zhang and Prof. Athanasios Nenes from the Laboratory of Atmospheric Processes and their Impacts - LAPI at EPFL,…

From  Marc Luna 0 likes 33 plays 0  

CleanCloud CHOPIN campaign: Winter moments

A short commented musical video documentary with scenes and pictures from the 2024-2025 CleanCloud CHOPIN (Cleancloud Helmos OrograPhic sIte experimeNt) campaign at Mt.Helmos, Greece:…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 190 plays 0  

What is CHOPIN? - Trailer

What is CHOPIN? is a multi-part documentary about the the 2024-2025 CleanCloud CHOPIN (Cleancloud Helmos OrograPhic sIte experimeNt) campaign at Mt.Helmos, Greece: where mythology, aerosols, clouds…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 292 plays 0  

Potential future(s) for climate modeling and computational sciences: learning from the AI revolution.

Seminar 09 (November 27, 2024) of the CleanCloud series. Speaker is Prof. Pierre Gentine (Columbia University in US). Abstract: AI has been revolutionizing many areas of science from protein…

From  Holopainen Tatu Eemeli 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Environmental Engineering/CleanCloud Special Seminar - Donifan Barahona (21.11.2024)

Environmental Engineering/CleanCloud Special Seminar - November 21, 2024. Speakers: Dr. Donifan Barahona, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA Title: Improving AI-Driven Subgrid Parameterizations…

From  Athanasios Nenes 1 likes 12 plays 0  

Surface exchange of reactive nitrogen gas between soil and atmosphere.

This is the twelfth episode of the ReCLEAN seminar series, the speaker isProf. Dianming Wu, School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, China. It was recorded on 11 November 2024.

From  Marc Luna 0 likes 18 plays 0  

ICE-HT/FORTH & CSTACC/CleanCloud Seminar: Prof.Athanasios Nenes (06.11.24).

ICE-HT/FORTH & CSTACC/CleanCloud Seminar - November 6, 2024. Speaker: Prof. Athanasios Nenes, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lasuanne, Switzerland/ Institute of Chemical Engineering…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Quantifying climate-dependent ammonia emissions – a starting point for understanding N in the environment

This is the fifth episode of the ReCLEAN seminar series, the speaker is Dr. Jize Jiang from ETH Zurich , Switzerland. It was recorded on 20 February 2024.

From  Marc Luna 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Tight coupling of carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry: Expected and unexpected results from forests and agroecosystems.

This is the eleventh episode of the ReCLEAN seminar series, the speaker is Prof. Dr. Nina Buchmann, Grassland Sciences Group at the Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH…

From  Marc Luna 0 likes 17 plays 0  

HONO and NOx production from renoxification of nitrate-containing aerosols.

This is the tenth episode of the ReCLEAN seminar series, the speaker is Dr. Fengxia Bao, Postdoctoral researcher, Paul Scherrer Institute - PSI, Switzerland. It was recorded on 20 August 2024.

From  Marc Luna 0 likes 45 plays 0  

CLIMACT seminar series - session 8 - Julia Steinberger & Athanasios Nenes

This is a recording of a seminar held on March 29, 2021. Do not miss out on the upcoming talks and sign up here:​ We are delighted to have had two great…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 4 plays 0