New Fellows of the American Geophysical Union traditionally present at a special session every year. Here is an excerpt from that session, with the talk of Athanasios Nenes (2020 Fellow).
Greek National TV Channel 3 Feature (O3 show) - Originally aired 01/12/2021 and published on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2ViuphKNlY Description (English):Fifty researchers from…
A short time-lapse video documentary with moments from the CleanCloud Summer 2024 campaign at Villum, Greenland. Also see Dr.Romanos Foskinis setting up the NTUA ARIS lidar that was deployed…
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A short video documentary with scenes and pictures from the CleanCloud Spring 2024 campaign at Villum, Greenland. Campaign PIs: Henrik Skov (Aarhus U), Andreas Massling (Aarhus U), Athanasios…
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CleanCloud Kickoff, Part 3 Cluster 3 presentation: Nicolas Bellouin (IPSL/UREAD) Synergy, Synthesis & Legacy WPs presentation: Otto Hasekamp (SRON) / Andreas Massling (AU) 24-25 January 2024,…
Environmental Engineering Seminar, Tuesday
5 December Dr Christos Kaltsonoudis
Center for the Study of Air Quality and Climate Change, Foundation for Research
and Technology Hellas,…