What is CHOPIN? is a multi-part documentary about the the 2024-2025
CleanCloud CHOPIN (Cleancloud
Helmos OrograPhic sIte experimeNt) campaign at Mt.Helmos, Greece: where
mythology, aerosols, clouds…
All rights reserved
What is CHOPIN? is a multi-part documentary about the the 2024-2025
CleanCloud CHOPIN (Cleancloud
Helmos OrograPhic sIte experimeNt) campaign at Mt.Helmos, Greece: where
mythology, aerosols, clouds…
All rights reserved
What is CHOPIN? is a multi-part documentary about the the 2024-2025
CleanCloud CHOPIN (Cleancloud
Helmos OrograPhic sIte experimeNt) campaign at Mt.Helmos, Greece: where
mythology, aerosols, clouds…
Seminar 08 (October 30, 2024) of the CleanCloud series. Speaker is Prof. Pavlos Kollias (Stony Brook University in US). Abstract: For over 60 years, radars have been a key enabler of scientific…