Search for tag: "air quality"

SynAir-G Workshop Series: Episode 2 (07.10.24)

SynAir-G Workshop, Episode 2: Improving indoor air quality for healthier children Location and date: History museum of the University of Athens, Plaka, November 21, 2024 Description: The SynAir-G…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 4 plays 0  

ICE-HT/FORTH & CSTACC/EASVOLEE Seminar - Prof.Rodney Weber (09.10.24)

ICE-HT/FORTH & CSTACC/EASVOLEE Seminar - October 9, 2024. Speaker: Prof. Rodney Weber, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Title: The curious persistence of sulfate’s link to adverse…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Environmental Engineering Special Seminar - Rodney Weber (04.10.2024)

Environmental Engineering Special Seminar - October 4, 2024. Speakers: Prof. Rodney Weber, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Title: Assessing PM2.5 Air Pollution’s Adverse Health Effects…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 42 plays 0  

The importance of indoor air characteristics for addressing COVID-19

An event organized by the Hellenic Association for Aerosol Research (HAAR) to inform the Greek public on the importance of indoor air properties and interventions to address the transmission of…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 1 plays 0  

CLIMACT seminar series - session 8 - Julia Steinberger & Athanasios Nenes

This is a recording of a seminar held on March 29, 2021. Do not miss out on the upcoming talks and sign up here:​ We are delighted to have had two great…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Airborne particles cause inflammation and oxidative stress

Greek National TV Interview - Originally aired 05/08/2021 and published on YouTube at According to the World Health Organization, the combustion of…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 4 plays 0  

How does dust and pollution affect public health?

Greek National TV Channel 3 Feature (O3 show) - Originally aired 20/03/2021 and published on YouTube at What does research by the Center for the Study of…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 3 plays 0  

EPFL Env.Eng. Seminar - Christos Kaltsonoudis (23-12-05)

Special Environmental Engineering Seminar, Tuesday 5 December Dr Christos Kaltsonoudis Center for the Study of Air Quality and Climate Change, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas,…

From  Athanasios Nenes 0 likes 6 plays 0